Why a Capability Statement Is the Most Valuable Tool for Any Construction or Engineering Business

In order to stand out in your market, you need to elevate your business and inspire confidence. Delivering good-quality products and services is not enough in isolation — you need to declare your professional capability so that people believe in what you do.

A capability statement is a powerful and highly focused tool that helps to highlight your strengths and communicate your value to your market. It is a condensed summary of your professional capabilities. This document showcases the things that make you great, simplifies all aspects for procurement, and provides you with collateral to use when growing your business. Full of valuable information and crafted through smart design, a capability statement offers an informative and visual snapshot of your business in a concise and meaningful package.

Why a Capability Statement Is the Most Valuable Tool for Any Construction or Engineering Business

What is a capability statement used for?

A capability statement is a must-have tool for any business in the construction and engineering sectors. From new partnerships to industry events, from procurement to collaboration, a well-designed capability statement helps to highlight your value, build your brand, and affirm your place in the community.

Every capability statement has the following three benefits:

1. Showcase your unique strengths over the competition

Does your business stand out from the crowd? Does your market have a proper understanding of your value? In a world of endless competition for government tenders and commercial contracts, you need to showcase your greatness and stand out from the crowd. A capability statement can be provided to procurement officers to showcase your professional capability and give them a sense of how you can help.

A capability statement should have the following information as a minimum:

  • Professional competencies
  • Past performance
  • Differentiators
  • Business culture
  • Contact information

The design of your capability statement is an important consideration. While you want to create a powerful and professional image, you also need to think about readability and recognition. It's important to include existing branding and use consistent design throughout the document. If your branding is not already established, building a capability statement offers a great launching pad.

2. Simplify offerings for procurement officers

Whether you deal with government projects or commercial contracts, it's important to simplify the procurement process. Procurement officers are busier than ever, so it's important to showcase your strengths and be clear in your messaging.

A capability statement should be easy to read and include all the data that procurement officers need to vet your business. Quite simply, you need to demonstrate your ability to satisfy their needs. When you make things easier for potential government or Tiered buyers, you will stand out against the competition.

3. Benefit from professional collateral to build your business

While long-term success is always based on creating value, you need a way to highlight your worth and the solutions you offer if you want people to pay attention. Whether you're an established business looking to connect with a big client or a new operation trying to forge a path, a capability statement helps you to define your place in the market.

In order to build valuable relationships in the construction and engineering fields, you need a way to differentiate your business. A well-designed capability statement showcases your abilities and your past performance with commercial and government contracts. If your company is just starting out with tenders or building new partnerships, a capability statement is the perfect tool to start growing your business.

There are many ways to use a capability statement, either in isolation or in combination with a marketing campaign. Perhaps you want to feature your capability statement on your website? Maybe you need a profile document for an upcoming industry event? Perhaps you're creating a specialised landing page for Tier 1 procurement officers?

All in all, a capability statement is a must-have for any construction or engineering business. It can help you with government tenders and assist you with numerous other areas of your business.

If you want to stand out from the competition and need help crafting a unique and powerful capability statement, please contact Living Lines today.

For more information and branding advice, contact article author and branding expert, Susan Jones, director of Living Lines branding agency on  0410 590 737.

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